Words of Unexpected Beauty
"It is the belief that every state of existence, be it an individual or a society, possesses historically constituted potencialities that are unfulfilled. Everything is the cause of what it is and what it is not (its potenciality). People are able to recognize, grasp and extend the possibilities contained in every human being. It is this quality which distinguishes human beings as universal, free beings [Marcuse, 1968, 1941]
"because any finit thing is both itself and its opposite, things taken as isolated particles are always incomplete. The particular exists only in and through the totality of the relations of what it is part."
"...every state of existence is apprehended only through movement and change, and the identity of a particular phenomenon can only be uncovered by reconstructing the process whereby the entity transforms itself....Its reality is the entire dynamic of its turning into something else and unifying itself with its "other" "[Marcuse, 1941, p.49].
E, por estranho que pareça, estas palavras lindíssimas vêm de um paper de Wai Fong Chua, com o título "Radical Developments in Accounting Thought", a propósito da Teoria Construtivista no Pensamento em Contabilidade...
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